Destinations Industry & News

The Business Exec's Guide to San Francisco

While San Francisco only takes up a seven mile by seven mile grid, the city can feel quite large with all it has to offer. If you are a business exec staying in the city for work or even just there for pleasure, CNN has compiled a list for you. From a cushy ride to pick you up at the airport to the most posh hotels in the Bay, you can have a wonderful luxury travel experience in San Francisco. CNN has pointed out some of the best restaurants, sights to see, and best photo opps around the city.

Click here to check out the full article by Suzanne Russo for CNN Travel.

Industry & News

Unusual Ski Experiences for the Luxury Traveler

If you’re ready for an exciting adventure this winter to spice up your usual travel plans, look no further than this list of unusual ski experiences! From Norway to Japan, unique opportunities for those who love skiing the fresh powder are awaiting you. Fjord skiing in Lofoten, Norway, ice karting in Verbier, Switzerland, snow tubing in Naeba, Japan, and heli skiing in Colorado all offer very unique ways to enjoy the winter weather in a way fit for a luxury traveler.

Click here to read the full article by Tom Marchant for A Luxury Travel Blog.

Aircraft Industry & News

4 Reasons to Love Private Jet Users

Private Jets can sometimes come with a bad connotation of political giants and celebrities but there are reasons to love the people who use private jets frequently.

  1. They supply 1.2M manufacturing jobs in the U.S.
  2. They bring more service jobs also including flight attendants and caterers. The Van Nuys Airport alone bring $1.3B and 12,000 jobs to LA.
  3. Private Planes can fly to 5,000 airports located in smaller communities. Some communities would not survive without and airport for supplies.
  4. The aviation industry is only responsible for 2% of carbon emissions.

Click here to read the full article by Doug Gollan on Forbes.


Beginners Guide to Private Jets

If you are new to the private jet industry or are unsure which jet you should use for your next business trip or vacation here is a guide to private jets. You need to know what kind of plane allows you to bring all of the people and items you want and be able to fly the distance.  Compact Light Jets hold about 4 people on a sort 1-3 hour flight. Small Cabin Jets are good for longer range flights with a few more people and extra luggage. Super light Jets can fly up to 1,800 miles with 8 passengers. Midsize and Super Midsize Jets can fly 7-8 hours, the equivalent of Los Angeles to New York. Large Cabin and Large Cabin Heavy Jets can fly 12-16 people and often have ‘Empty Leg Flights’.

Click here to read the full article by Doug Gollan on Forbes.

Destinations Industry & News Travel Tips

Cycling Rides to Check Out This Fall

Whether you’re an avid cyclist or just someone who enjoys being outdoors and getting a workout, consider this list of cycling destinations for your vacation this fall. Hvar Island in Croatia provides a challenging climb with beautiful views and warm weather. The mountains of Slovenia are filled with untouched villages, forests, clear waters, and cycling-only roads. Burgundy and Piedmont provide stunning winery views and local delights. Corsica provides breathtaking views and immaculate roads, and Sicily has the perfect outdoor scenery to make any ride a joy.

Click here to read the full article by Andy Levine for A Luxury Travel Blog.


Fly Supersonic in 2023

We haven’t been able to fly at supersonic speeds as civilians since 2003 on the Concorde. There is potential that the Aerion AS2 will be able to fly like the Concorde by 2023. The plane will be shorter and only hold up to 12 passengers but will be able to fly New York to London in 3 hours.

Click here to read the full article by Doug Gollan on Forbes.

Travel Tips

Frequent Flyer Dictionary

People who travel often know there are some terms that only frequent flyers know. In the chaos of travel we have coined names for funny or annoying things that occur while on an airplane.

Click here to see the full visual dictionary on Mashable. Photo via Mashable.

Destinations Industry & News Travel Tips

Venice to Ban Wheeled Suitcases

Venice, Italy has historically dealt with a variety of challenges, especially that of flooding and the effects on its historic architecture. A new law due to go into effect in May of 2015 would ban wheeled suitcases from the city, which locals cite as a source of major noise and inconvenience. The rule “will require luggage to be transported on quieter air-filled tires” and make for a much quieter travel experience around the city.

Click here to read the full article for CNN Travel.

Travel Tips

2 Tips for Your Holiday Plans

Many people plan on traveling for the holidays. Whether they are trying to get away from family or get to them, the holidays are a popular time to fly.

This is one of the reasons that traveling around the holidays is a nightmare.

The airports are crammed, the planes are full and the tickets are expensive. If you are planning on a trip for the upcoming holiday season, try following one of these helpful tips to make it easier on your wallet and less stressful.

  1. Time

At this point in the year, if you want to make traveling around the holidays easier on your bank account, you have to travel back in time and buy a plane ticket months ago.

The prices are not going to get any cheaper from now until the holiday. That means that you either have to know someone who has a time machine or bite the bullet and just buy an expensive plane ticket.

  1. Private

If neither of those options sounds appealing to you, you can fly private. Depending on how many people you are flying with, this could actually end up being a cheaper option.

Even if it is just you trying to get back to your hometown for the holidays, it is a much less stressful travel option. When you fly private, you get to pick the schedule. You get to choose the airport you leave from, which means you can pick a smaller, less busy airport.

Renting a private jet is actually a feasible way to make your holiday travel plans more enjoyable.

If you have waited too long to get a plane ticket, consider hiring a private jet. It will cut back on the stress of holiday traveling, and it will help your holiday vacation be truly relaxing.

Do not feel like you have to pay an arm and a leg to get a plane ticket, and then fight through the sea of people to get on the plane. Hire a private jet this holiday season instead.

Travel Tips

How to Have a Comfortable Flight

If you fly often you know there are some drawbacks to cruising at high altitudes and sitting in a airplane seat for a long period of time. Here’s some tips to feel great when you land at your destination.

  1. Stay hydrated!
  2. Consider a sleeping pill.
  3. Have a glass of wine.
  4. Pick your seats.
  5. Bring a snack.
  6. Dress for comfort not glamour.
  7. Bring slippers to wear while flying.
  8. Bring work, movies, or a book.
  9. Bring ear plugs and an eye mask to sleep.

Click here to read the full article by Deb Hopewell on USA Today.

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