Industry & News

Sustainable Aviation Fuel: The Future of Flight

The use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel throughout the industry is safe, effective, green, and a step in the right direction. Learn more about SAF’s.

If we are honest, we – as a human race – have done a lot of damage to our planet since we walked in, mainly in the last century. Terms like ozone depletion, global warming, and carbon footprints were just phrases used a few years ago. Now? More and more people are beginning to see the effects of our way of life on our planet. We see that animals are becoming extinct, pollution of airways and waterways is causing damage, and our factory farming practices make us shake our heads.

Thankfully, the percentage of those looking to change things is growing every day. And changing things means finding safer, greener, more environmentally friendly ways of doing things. People aren’t going to give up everything they know, but they may consider alternatives to doing the same thing.

Air travel burns roughly 740 million gallons of fuel per day around the world. Being in the upper atmosphere, these fumes can linger longer and, thus, cause more damage.

So, what can we do about this? We can’t stop air travel, but we can make changes – like a fuel alternative known as sustainable aviation fuel.

What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Sustainable Aviation Fuel, also known as SAF, is a clean (and green) alternative to fossil fuel typically used in jets. SAFs allow planes and jets of all kinds to travel the world while reducing their carbon footprint since it is more sustainable than renewable resources.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel is made from various things, but they are typically made from raw materials. That means SAF’s can make these fuels from things like food scraps, solid waste, newspapers, cooking oil, algae, waste from agriculture and forestry, and more.

Researchers are trying to develop a way for the aviation industry to take advantage of solar energy as a fuel, but that idea has not been put into practice yet.

The Impact of Sustainable Aviation Fuel on our Environment 

You already know that if we are switching from fossil fuels to renewable resources for air travel, there will be a huge difference in the amount of carbon released; that its impact on our environment will be a much more positive one.

So, exactly how much can Sustainable Aviation Fuel save in carbon emissions?

SAFs can be up to 80% less carbon-intensive than the typical fossil fuel most often used, according to the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG). However, one does need to consider the carbon created when making the SAF and the transportation required to get it to the airport.

The Cost and Affordability of SAF

Every new thing usually hits the market at a higher price, then falls with time. Sustainable Aviation Fuel is a new concept and one that is going to take time to normalize. The process of creating this fuel will become more common, and prices will drop. Currently, though, SAF is more expensive monetarily than fossil fuel.

Though, environmentalists will debate with you about the actual cost of not using this fuel.

Who Can Use this Fuel Alternative? 

Perhaps one of the best things about Sustainable Aviation Fuel is that it can be used in any aircraft and considered a drop-in fuel. In other words, it can be handled in the same way regular fossil fuels are.

Because no one is left behind with the advancements in greener fuel solutions, it is an all-encompassing solution for the aviation industry.

How Does Sustainable Aviation Fuel Affect Safety?

When it comes to safety for passengers and jets in the air, there are no safety concerns regarding SAF. That’s because it is no different than using regular fossil fuels. Planes and jets which use this more environmentally friendly alternative still proceed as usual. Without even asking about sustainability practices, one may never even realize the change.

But don’t worry – there is testing done just in case. The American Society for Testing and Materials has certified Sustainable Aviation Fuel for aircraft while in flight. It has been tested in a lab, on the ground, and during flight. Because there is a mix of older and new jets in the sky, the current SAF is blended with 50% fossil fuels. This is to make sure all goes smoothly with current fueling systems. As new aircraft are created, the idea is that the blend limits will change, leading to the use of 100% SAF. Until then, any small change in the way business is done in the air can positively impact the planet.

The Future of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

According to the ATAG, the aviation industry has set a goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2050. Will it happen? It could – if more airlines switch to Sustainable Aviation Fuel. With the U.S. Department of Energy predicting that the global need for jet fuel to sustain air travel will increase by 124 billion gallons in 2050, something needs to change.

Many in the private jet travel industry are making the push to normalize the use of SAFs. With more and more turning to this type of fuel, it is making a mark on the industry and setting an example for others to follow. A few major airlines have already started to incorporate SAFs in their flights, including JetBlue, United Airlines, and Lufthansa.

The more private jets begin to use this Sustainable Aviation Fuel, the more it will encourage production to increase.

Final Thoughts

When you travel, you are imprinting your carbon footprint on the world. Choosing to use travel methods that reduce this footprint – such as choosing private travel, especially those that use sustainable aviation fuel – can further make a case for the more widespread use of SAFs. After all, when the demand is there, things change.

We only get one world, and it is up to us to make better choices to help protect that world. The use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel throughout the industry is a step in the right direction. It is safe, effective, and green.


Private Aircraft: Which Jet Is Right For Me?

Whether you are new to private aircraft or you are a seasoned veteran, knowing your options is always important. Find out which aircraft is best for you.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, so many new travelers have turned to private air travel. It has become a haven for those needing to reach their destination without the great health risks that currently come with commercial air travel. But these pandemic private aircraft travelers are not the only reason people are finding their way to the luxury of private travel.

Regardless of how someone comes to know the world of private jet charters, being new to this type of travel means having to figure out the ropes. What jets are best for long-distance? Which jets are best for large families? What jet should you choose for small airports? Which one can offer the best, most glamorous adventure?

Choosing the right private aircraft is best based on personal situations and preferences. This guide is meant to help you answer the question which jet is right for me?

Family Travel With Your Private Aircraft

Family travel can lead to wonderful memories and lots of photos for your scrapbook. But it can also lead to a lot of headaches and aggravation. Kids from newborns to teenagers require a specific set of circumstances to make the trip most enjoyable. While taking older ones on a commercial airplane may not be that big of a deal, taking young toddlers can prove otherwise. And let’s get real for a moment – when you have a large family, booking tickets for everyone and making sure you get seats together can be costly and time-consuming.

Private aircraft accommodate families with no problem. You don’t have to worry about buying multiple tickets or working a puzzle to make sure everyone sits together. The best part is that you don’t have to worry if your toddler is cranky and screaming or if you need special accommodations while on a long flight. This private, comfortable way of travel makes family travel so much easier.

Depending on the size of your family and your travel plans, you may want to consider light jet options that seat 5-6 and have a lavatory, such as the Citation Excel, the Falcon 20, or the Lear 45.

Business Travel

Business travel is another popular reason why many choose private jets. When you are a top executive, business does not stop just because you are thousands of feet in the air. Traveling in a private jet allows you to be comfortable and still carry-on work functions, whether meeting with clients over web interfaces, together in person on board the aircraft, answer emails, reviewing files, etc. Unlike commercial air travel, every bit of business you handle onboard is confidential. Private aircraft can come equipped with connectivity capabilities, in-flight entertainment, a meeting table, reclining seats, and so forth.

Perhaps this is why so many companies choose to fly private. So, what jets do they choose when they do?

Some of the most popular business jets to soar in the sky are the Citation X, the Learjet 60, the Challenger 300, and the Gulfstream 200. All offer the perfect mixture of comfort, luxury, and class.

Adventure Travel

Adventure seekers often travel on the less beaten path. They are looking for something that will give them an unforgettable experience to log in their journey book. Sure, commercial airlines reach many of these destinations. But, when the choice is made to fly private, these adventure travelers can reach destinations that are far away from all the tourists. After all, hard to reach places are not as easily accessible by commercial aircraft. This may mean having to land at a close-by, larger airport and seeking alternative travel arrangements to reach the destination.

When you want to experience the world, you want to make use of all the time you have. This means getting as close to your destination as possible. Adventurists often make use of the compact size of very light jets, such as the Eclipse 500, the Cessna Citation Mustang, or the Embraer.

Which Private Aircraft is Right for Me?

If you are ready to head out on a private jet and you need something that meets your needs – you may be asking, which jet is right for me? Whether you are traveling with your family, on a business trip, seeking a solo adventure, or something else, there are a few things to look at when deciding on the right private jet.

Flight Duration

Your destination is going to play a large role in determining the best type of aircraft. Private jets can only hold a certain amount of fuel. You want to make sure that the aircraft you choose can get you to your destination without a lot of stops to refuel.

In the different categories of private aircraft, here is a rough average of the distance they can travel:

  • Light jets: 1,500 – 2,000 miles
  • Mid-size/Super-mids: 2,700 – 4,000 miles
  • Heavy jets/Jumbo jets: more than 7,000 miles

Jet Size/Number of Passengers

Everyone onboard a private jet needs a seat. Therefore, the number of passengers on your private jet plays a huge role in determining the right jet.

Below is another rough average of seating available on the different classes of private aircraft:

  • Light jets: 6-8 passengers
  • Mid-size/Super-mids: 8 to 12 passengers
  • Heavy jets: 10 to 15 passengers
  • Jumbo Jets: 20 to 70 passengers

What To Expect Onboard

Finally, consider what you plan to do while onboard the private jet. While you will always find the private flight experience much more rewarding than commercial air travel, you can’t expect to hold business meetings on certain jets or play video games and dance with your kids on another. Certain jets are designed for certain things. Keep this in mind when you book so that you find a jet that will give you everything you need while in the air.

Whether you are new to private jet travel or you are a seasoned veteran, knowing your options is always very important. There are many different sizes and classes of charters available to you. So, if you are flying solo, with the whole family, or need to handle business in the sky, there is a perfect private aircraft out there for you – as long as you know what to look for.

Industry & News

6 Private Jet Travel Trends 2020 During the COVID-19 Crisis

Believe it or not, the pandemic placed a positive and beneficial impact on private flying. With that said, private jet travel trends 2020 is growing. Read below for the details.

Travel throughout the world has changed dramatically over the last few months thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. To get anywhere in a short amount of time requires flying – and most people are a bit fearful of commercial air travel at this time. And, for good reason. This virus is not to be taken lightly. But, does that mean you should be leery of all air travel?

Not at all. Here’s why.

Traveling via a private jet allows you to have all the perks of air travel – without all the health risks associated with the coronavirus. That’s primarily because social distancing is key. And, well, flying on a private jet means you are about as socially distanced as you can be. The result? You can get where you need to be while being safe.

Still not convinced? We’ve got just what you are looking for – 6 private jet travel trends 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis.

1. Sanitizing and Hygiene is Taken Seriously – and on a Much Small Scale

When it comes to your health during a global pandemic, you need to be able to trust that all precautions are met. It is difficult to see this occur with large commercial aircraft, as the sheer volume of space and crew is too much to monitor.

Remember, just because safety measures are put in place by large corporations does not guarantee that every employee is going to do their best to follow them. There are a lot of flights that take off every day – and a lot of passengers to shuffle around. To maximize profit, commercial aircraft need to get in the air as quickly as possible. Sure, they may slow down a bit by adding an extra layer of protection – but just how well are those airplanes sanitized?

Private jets work on a smaller scale and they want their health to remain intact, too. Therefore, it is common for there to be extra cleaning and sanitizing of all areas aboard the aircraft as well as routine temperature checks. Masks are also to be worn by all parties at all times.

2. Reopening of Business = Necessary Business Travel

Consumers may still be fearful to fly, but businesses need to open to save our economy. As they do, business travel is going to be necessary for some individuals. With the great risk that comes when immersing oneself in a large group, flying commercial can make many business travelers hesitant.

But, business is business – it has to get done, right? Does this mean you have to risk your health and well-being for the economic security of your company? No, it doesn’t.

Businesses and corporations of all types and sizes have been utilizing private jet travel for years. After all, it has many benefits. Others, however, never really got into the swing of things. Instead, they would send important employees to handle important business dealings while flying commercial from point A to point B and back again. That is, until now.

Businesses understand that to reopen means having to make changes for the sake of keeping employees safe. This need has brought many new users to the private jet community.

3. Welcoming to New Private Jet Travelers

As new companies and individuals find ways to fulfill their needs while maintaining safety and social distancing, those in the private jet community are finding an increase in new travelers.

The introduction of COVID-19 into our lives has changed things up a bit. Travelers who have previously never seen a need or had a specific desire to fly via a private jet charter are now viewing it as their safest option. Think about it – air travel doesn’t have to occur, but it sure makes traveling in general a lot faster and easier.

With the option of private jet travel, you have a safe option to get where you need to be when you need to be there. And, it seems many more travelers are taking advantage of this during 2020’s global pandemic.

4. Reaching Second Homes, Colleges Safely

We discussed above that sometimes we need to travel. Maybe it is to get back home or maybe it is to get to your university. Wherever you need to go, you don’t need to put yourself at risk.

Typically, those in the private jet industry will tell you that it is often business executives or well-known individuals who opt for private jet travel. However, with the introduction of the novel coronavirus into the lives of every community in the United States, this has changed. While the regulars are still traveling, there has also been an influx of family travelers trying to get to where they need to go – and help keep life as close to normal as possible.

5. Protecting the Health of Loved Ones

Speaking of family traveling – protecting the health of loved ones is crucial during this time. And, despite the precautions taken by the commercial airline industry, many people are simply choosing to avoid it and opt for a smaller, more secluded experience.

Perhaps it could be a child with asthma or a well-seasoned grandparent. Or, maybe you have underlying conditions that you just don’t want the risk. Whatever your reason, choosing a private jet for travel needs seems to be the go-to, safer option.

6. Decreased Cost in Private Travel

It is safe to say that nearly every business in every industry has taken a hard hit due to COVID-19. And, guess who is no exception to this statement? That’s right – the private jet charter industry. When the virus invaded our lives, people panicked. Locked tightly – and safely – inside our homes, the thought of actually traveling never came up.

But, we can only stay stuck inside for so long. Eventually, we begin to crave normalcy. As a result of the lack of business, the cost of private travel plummeted. The virus made the newly affordable travel option even more affordable.


What are your travel plans for the rest of 2020? Getting the itch to get out and explore? If you want to maintain safety for yourself and your loved ones, consider joining the trend and choose private jet travel for all your traveling needs.

Read More:

10 Travel Safety Tips for Your Upcoming Trip

Industry & News

Why Getting a Private Pilot License is Beneficial Right Now

Have you ever thought about getting a private pilot license? With the COVID-19 impact, now is the time it’s most beneficial. Read below for more details.

Do you love flying as a passenger? There is something so breathtaking about flying high above the world below. Seeing the sunrise and sunset, passing through thick white clouds – flying can carry you away. In fact, flying can get you from one place to another faster than any other type of transportation available. That is definitely a bonus.

If you enjoy flying so much, have you ever given any thought to actually being the one piloting the plane? Sure, it may have been a passing thought – some folks act upon it, others don’t. You should know, though, that there are many benefits to have a pilot’s license. This is especially true right now.

Why now? Well, in the world of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, there is a lot happening that differs from our normal way of life. Changes are occurring at every angle – from the way we do our grocery shopping and school to the way we travel and interact with strangers.

Private jets can play a big part in all of this. And, if you get your private pilot license, you may just be one of the heroes.

Commercial vs. Private

First of all, you may be wondering why we are referring to a private pilot license rather than a commercial pilot license, right? You are, of course, more than welcome to get any type of pilot license you prefer. But, during the time of our current situation, a private pilot license may provide you with more benefits.

Not only is a private pilot license faster to obtain (due to few flight hours and such being required), but it also means you can get the ball rolling on helping the world around you much, much faster. Besides, private jets:

  • Allow for much less contact with others.
  • Can access smaller airports and get closer to direct communities in need.
  • May still able to fly when commercial flights are grounded, depending on the situation.

Think about it this way – to get your commercial pilot license, you have to have a private pilot license first. So, even if that is your preferred choice, getting your private pilot license now can help out in the situation the world is presently in – and you can work towards your commercial license later. How does that sound for a plan?

Ok, let’s dig a bit deeper into the benefits of obtaining this private pilot license.

Germs: To Be, Or Not To Be

Germs are something we are all running from these days. In an attempt to spare ourselves from the power of COVID-19, the CDC, medical professionals, and the government have recommended that we practice social distancing ourselves from others. Places where people tend to congregate, such as restaurants, bars, amusement parks, parks, malls, and the like have been shut down in an effort to control the spread.

Do you know what else has taken a hit? Commercial airlines.

See, everyone knows that commercial planes are a great place to spread germs. After all, you have a couple of hundred people shoulder to shoulder in an enclosed space for an extended amount of time – how wouldn’t the germs spread? When it comes to the potentially deadly coronavirus, no one wants to take that chance.

More and more people are turning to private air travel in an effort to still meet their travel needs while reducing their risk of contracting the virus. By choosing to be a private pilot, you are opening up the ability for these individuals to get from Point A to Point B without having to fly on a commercial airline.

What’s more is that by helping those who want to fly keep flying, you are also helping the economy and the airline industry. And, that’s a huge benefit in itself.

Emergency Restrictions

Now, do you remember when COVID-19 first made its way into our world? When it did, the federal government shut down all commercial air travel to and from certain countries. States tried to halt travel from certain hot spots, too – even from other states within the United States!

Emergency restrictions handed down by the government aren’t meant to be overlooked. But, for those who are flying private, you have a lot more leeway when it comes to travel to certain places.

By being a private pilot, you will be able to assist those in need to continue their travel. The idea is to keep business moving, right? Therefore, top execs and their business dealings must still go on. New recruits must still attend corporate training. And, stranded families must still get home.

If flying commercial is too risky, private pilots can pick up the slack and keep people moving. You can be a part of this.

Assist in Relief Efforts

Relief efforts are intensifying throughout the world. Transporting medical supplies, food, and patients in need of care are incredibly important.

Private jets can have a hand in all of this. They can get items where they need to be and get individuals the help they need. If you choose to be a private pilot, you can be the one helping to make this happen.

The best part is that relief efforts won’t end when COVID-19 is under control. There are earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, and other natural disasters that occur everywhere in our world. And, the relief efforts are needed each and every time.

This means you.

The Steps Needed

Ready to get your private pilot license? According to the FAA, you must:

  • Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English.
  • Have a sport, student, or recreational pilot license.
  • Be at least 17 years old.
  • Have at least a third-class medical certificate.
  • Receive proper ground instruction, flight training, and logbook endorsements.
  • Pass aeronautical knowledge and practical tests.

Of course, to be sure you have everything you need, consult with the Federal Aviation Administration.


When the world around us changes, we can either fight against it or take steps to make it better. By choosing to obtain your private pilot license, you are opening yourself to a great opportunity with many benefits while also helping those in your community – and all around the world!

Travel Tips

What Actually Happens During a Snow Delay?

Traveling during the winter can cause a lot of stress due to bad weather, overcrowded airports, or a snow delay – but what actually happens during these delays?

Oh, the dreaded airport snow delay. If you have ever traveled during the wintertime, then you know just how frustrating and inconvenient a snow delay can be. When the FAA determines that weather conditions are just too dangerous for safe air travel, all flights are grounded – and that means passengers, too.

Regardless of your travel itinerary, your destination, or your connections – you are stuck in that airport until the FAA gives the all-clear.

So, what actually happens during a snow delay?

Why Do Airports Call a Snow Delay?

As mentioned above, snow delays happen when the FAA feels that the weather conditions are too dangerous for planes to fly, takeoff, and/or land. For example:

  • When water, snow, ice, or slush are found on a runway, this can reduce traction and make it difficult for planes to take off or land.
  • Not to mention that it can increase safety hazards.
  • Additional runway length is often needed for commercial aircraft to land or take off when the dry ground is compromised.

Most airports are equipped to handle small amounts of weather-related issues. However, when the heavy stuff comes, it doesn’t clear so easily. Plus, major storms often bring additional problems such as visibility concerns, high winds, the icing on the plans, and turbulence issues in the sky.

The FAA works to maintain safety for the planes and passengers. Therefore, delays occur when precautions are taken. The most common precautions are:

1. High Winds

If the weather outside is not frightful, but still rather windy, you may find that the FAA still grounds planes. Winds can occur during any weather event – and even their own. And, they make flying a bit risky – especially when combined with snow, rain, or other inclement conditions.

Crosswinds can cause severe turbulence and even cause planes to be unable to take off or land. Again, resulting in flight delays.

2. Icing – and De-icing – of Airplanes

When the temperature drops, ice can easily form. And, ice forming on airplanes is no exception. This does not seem like it should be a big deal, right?

Well, it is important to note that when ice forms on an aircraft, it results in potential risks to its mechanics and overall functioning. Of course, keep in mind that ice forming on a runway is a terrible thing, so this, too, will ground aircraft.

It is common for many travelers during the winter months to hear that there is a snow delay due to the need for de-icing. Hosing the aircraft down with a special solution not only removes the ice currently frozen to the plane but also reduces the chance of ice re-forming while in-flight.

3. Airport Hassles

A snow delay does not only affect the aircraft itself, but also the airport. It brings about so many hassles that many travelers often have at least one wintertime travel horror story. Delay after delay and potential cancellations often lead to severely overcrowded airports.

Airports are meant to handle large volumes of people. However, they have a cap, too, just like every indoor venue. Believe it or not, there comes a time when airports can be so crowded they are just uncomfortable.

Long lines at security checkpoints, airline counters, food vendors, and bathrooms can be miserable in itself. Then, finding seating is just another chore. During heavy delays it is not uncommon to find people on the floor – some even stretched out sleeping!

The Bright Alternative: Private Air Travel

So, what if there was an alternative to miserable wintertime commercial air travel? What if your airline was delayed or grounded, but you had luxuriously comfortable accommodations? If you could go get a hotel and know that your flight would wait for you to come back when restrictions are lifted? What if you could get yourself in the sky much faster than commercial aircraft?

This is all entirely possible – when you fly private jet charters in the winter time.

See, private jets often fly out of smaller airports. These airports – or FBOs – are designed with comfort in mind. Getting stuck in one is often a pleasant experience, without any hassle. Granted, each one is different so you may find more amenities and comfort at one private airport than you do at another. But, the overall experience and reduced number of passengers makes it a great win over the commercial airport experience.

Guess what? That is not the only perk to flying private.

  • For instance, de-icing planes takes time. De-icing private jets can be done rather quickly.
  • In addition, the amount of runway required for private jets is smaller than that of commercial.

What does all of this mean for you? It means that you can find yourself in the air much faster than you would be if you were flying commercial. And that’s a huge bonus.

Additional Private Jet Travel Perks

Shall we keep going with all the benefits you may encounter while traveling during this snowy, icy season?

Take a moment to think about the volume of commercial aircraft. Then, what happens when these airlines are delayed? They pile up, right? Not only do you have to load hundreds of people on each airliner, but you have to maneuver them around to get them loaded and safely in the air, one after the next. It’s a long process.

With private jet travel, you are the passenger. There are not hundreds and you won’t see the jets piled up, waiting in long, drawn-out, slow lines.

And, finally, the best part?

If you find that the area you are traveling to has been affected by FAA regulations due to weather, you are not bound by strict flight patterns. Your private jet can divert to another airport (since there are many more private airports available) without the delays or restrictions. This can free you up and get you to your destination without added hassles and frustrations.

Final Thoughts

Wintertime is an incredibly popular season for air travel. Unfortunately, though, it is also a season full of heavy delays. Don’t let yourself succumb to all the miseries that come with FAA grounded flights due to weather delays.

Instead, opt for private jet travel and arrive at your destination with a smile on your face.


What is Private Jet Management and Why Does it Matter?

Private jet management plays an essential role in luxury travel, ensuring that flying privately is both safe and efficient. This comprehensive service includes overseeing the maintenance and scheduling of the aircraft, managing crew and staff, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Taking care of a car is a big job, especially when it comes to handling routine maintenance. It’s easy to let your oil change go over the recommended 3,000 miles or let the tread on your tires get a little too worn.

Thankfully, auto mechanics are very easily accessible, and we don’t have to worry about doing the work ourselves. And, when we haven’t taken as great of care of our car as we should have, the mechanic can help us with that, too.

When it comes to owning a private jet, the owners are responsible for maintaining the health of their aircraft. But, dropping the ball on maintenance, whether intentionally to save some money or because they simply forgot, can have devastating effects for those on board the jet.

There is an easy way to keep this from happening. It’s called private jet management. And, here’s why it matters.



Professional Crew and Top-Notch Training

For those who own private jets, putting together a crew that can care for – and fly – the private jet can prove to be quite a task.

For someone who is normally sitting back and enjoying a flight, how can he or she possibly know that the crew is actually caring for and handling the jet properly?

Truth be told, that’s a nearly impossible thing to do. So, instead, hiring a private jet management company allows for the professionals to step in.

The management company hires those who are qualified to handle the aircraft.

They know what to look for in qualifications and history. And, they know how to properly train other crew members to provide the service in a manner desired by clients.

Therefore, once you are on board, you are confident that you are in experienced hands.


Private Jets Maintained by the Experts

Just like cars in the example above, jets require maintenance, too. Sometimes it is minor, other times not so much.

However, when the need for maintenance arises, a jet management company will be sure to have expert mechanics to handle the job.

Aircraft needs more than just refueling. When you are in the air, you want to know that the jet you are flying in has been taken care of – from routine maintenance to deeper, proactive repairs.

Novice mechanics have a lot to learn. That is why management companies also seek out the most experienced experts in the field to go over every detail of the jet before it ever leaves the ground.



Registered, Ratings, and Legit Paperwork

Jets have paperwork. They need to be registered and approved for charter. They need to have been inspected for safety. When dealing with a company, you are more likely to encounter the proper completion of legal paperwork.

You may or may not know what you are looking for when it comes to the necessary documents, but if you are simply dealing with a jet owner, you may find there is a bigger chance of encountering fraudulent or unregistered equipment.

Don’t risk it. Choosing a charter with a management company means the private jet you fly has been appropriately documented, reviewed, and licensed.

Keep in mind that maintaining proper maintenance records is very important for taking proper care of a jet. Making lists of routine maintenance as well has any repairs is important. This list should include:

A private jet management company can explain these in more detail – and advise of the importance of keeping these records.


A Dedicated Team for Scheduling and Dispatch

Having an entire staff on your side for scheduling and dispatching private jets can be incredibly convenient. Rather than trying to get through to multiple people to get a private jet ready for travel, a management company requires just one call.

How is that for simple?

It is nearly impossible to snap your fingers and have a private jet ready to head out. It requires a maintenance team to get it ready for flight and a pilot to actually fly the jet.

Thanks to the dedicated management team, the process is much more efficient with little to know effort.


Why Do Private Jet Owners Use Management Companies?

Simply put, private jets are expensive. And, not just when it comes to purchasing, but the upkeep and maintenance as well.

It doesn’t usually take long for those that own these jets to realize that it will allow them to leave all the work to the professionals.

However, besides all the perks of a management company that we’ve already discussed – such as access to the most seasoned pilots and maintenance crew – there is more.

Private jet owners can get their asset cared for and maintained while also offsetting the high cost of private jet ownership by choosing to allow management to utilize the jet for private charters.

This is a win for everyone involved. It saves the owner money and allows those who don’t own a private jet to take a flight when needed. And, it keeps the jets in healthy, working condition, too.



Safety Among Charters

If you are considering booking a private jet charter, you have a choice. You can find yourself chartering a flight from an owner. This means your jet charter may or may not be well-maintained.

Plus, your pilot may be experienced, but he may also be a novice. Or, of course, you can choose the private jet that is backed by a management company that knows a great deal about the jet and how to properly maintain and fly it.



Many private jet charters are owned by an individual and maintained by a private jet management company.

This gives them the ability to take advantage of:

  • Professional crew
  • Expert maintenance and repair
  • Proper registration
  • Handy scheduling and dispatch

It also means that they can offset their costs by choosing to offer their jets as charters.

For those seeking private jet charters, those managed by a management company may be your best – and safest – option.


Industry & News

What Is an FBO Airport When Flying Private?

Just about every industry has an acronym for something. The private jet charter business is no different. Here you will often find the acronym: FBO airport, which stands for Fixed Base Operator.

At most major airports – whether in the U.S. or around the world – is where you will find an FBO.

In the charter industry, you’ll often hear this term; but what is it and why is it important?


What Is An FBO?

You might be asking yourself “what is an FBO?”

Basically, an FBO airport is just a fancy name for the private terminal that is available to you when you arrive and wait for your private jet charter.

The term Fixed Base Operator has been around for a long time. In fact, since the early 1900’s. After World War I was over, there were many men without something to do. And, there were many pieces of aircraft just laying around waiting for a pilot.


The Origins Of The FBO.

So, what happened? Many pilots who returned from the war spent their time traveling from town to town in the old military aircraft.

They would do air shows, travel in groups, and became something of an event. But, quickly they would move on to the next town and the hoopla that surrounded them were gone.

Because of their transient behavior, many people began referring to these pilots as some sort of gypsies.

Therefore, when someone got the spectacular idea to take the planes and use them for private transportation, travelers did not necessarily take them seriously. After all, who is to say that the plane would be there when the travel day arrived? And how could they trust that there would be a plane to bring them back home?

To avoid any confusion and to distinguish themselves from the gypsy pilots, the serious transport operators decided to refer to themselves as Fixed Base Operators – letting the public know that they can rest assured that these are private travel planes that are permanently based at the airport (or local field).



What Services Does An FBO Airport Provide?

FBOs may vary greatly from airport to airport, some providing a more luxury service than others.

Generally speaking, however, an FBO airport will provide many services to both the traveler – and the private jet charter.

Here are just a few:

  • A lounge or place to rest
  • Fueling services for the jets
  • Transportation and parking services
  • Hangar services
  • Flight instruction
  • Tie-down services
  • Mechanical repair services
  • Baggage handling
  • Conference rooms
  • Pilot resting quarters

In other words, these private terminals offer everything one may need to utilize, operate, or own a private jet.


What Are The Benefits Of An FBO?

There are many benefits when it comes to an FBO airport. Of course, keep in mind that the number of benefits will vary depending on the private terminal.

When arriving for your private chartered flight, you will find that the FBO provides you with a welcoming and comfortable setting. You can relax and rest in the lounge before your flight.

Enjoy some coffee or other beverages and sample any light snacks that may be available. Wi-Fi and conference rooms are also usually available, allowing you to take care of any necessary business before heading into the skies.

But that is not all.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of all when it comes to an FBO is the ability to avoid the commercial airport.

While you will still have to go through a security checkpoint, you will not encounter the number of people – or the lines – that you would do when traveling via a commercial airliner. In addition, there is no need to arrive so early for your flight!

If you don’t want to sit in the FBO and lounge before takeoff, then there is no need to do so. Arrive on time for your flight and head out.


What Should I Look For In An FBO Airport?

What you look for in a Fixed Base Operator is going to highly depend on your specific needs.

For example, are you traveling for pleasure or for business? Those traveling for pleasure may desire a private terminal that offers entertainment, beverages, and maybe even a place to sit back and nap.

When it comes to traveling for business, the FBO airport that is desired looks differently. Having wi-fi services available, as well as a workspace is beneficial. This includes a mock office setup with computer hookup or access stations, printing services, and more. Conference space for meeting clients – such as those corporate executives who fly in on a private jet for a meeting, then head right back out.

The most desired thing you should look for in an FBO, though, is great customer service. You are paying for a service when you charter a flight. And having access to the FBO is a perk.

Encountering individuals who are ready to make your experience unforgettable makes the private terminal a very welcoming, enjoyable space regardless of your needs.



Is It Safe To Travel Through An FBO Airport Instead Of A Regular Airport?

The answer is yes. Private terminals offer you many extra amenities, but they don’t take away from the security.

This is especially true post-9/11. There are many security measures in place to ensure the safety of all travelers.

Thankfully, due to the reduced number of travelers who have access to the FBOs, there are no dreaded, long security lines and the process runs rather smoothly.

FBOs work in connection with the FAA in providing a safe and secure service to its customers.



When it comes to traveling from point A to point B, you have a choice.

You can spend an extended amount of time dealing with fellow travelers and the ways of the commercial airliners in large, international airports. Or, you can choose a private jet charter and explore all the benefits of a private terminal, or FBO airport.

It seems that the latter is likely the better choice. And, for good reason.

Enjoy great customer service and an extensive array of amenities that can make your pre- and post-flight experience much more enjoyable. From your arrival to your departure, the FBO at your destination is an experience, unlike any other terminal.

They come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose- to provide outstanding customer service.


The Best Private Jet Airports to Visit in the World

Airports that cater to private jets are much different that other airports. Because of this, these private jet airports are some of the best in the world.

Just like most things in life, all airports are not created equally. Some are large, some are small. Some offer great amenities, others offer a streamlined flying experience without the fluff. A couple seem to offer the best deals, while others seem to fly at a higher cost.

Your favorite airport will greatly depend on your preferences and what you view as most important in your travel experience.


How Are Private Jet Airports Different?

We all know that when flying commercial, you can come across some airports that you really dislike. Whether you dislike the size, the location, or the security, there are some airports you want to avoid.

But, what about private jet airports?

Private jets can fly to more locations than commercial airliners – thanks to their size – and they can offer you an entirely different experience.

So, whether you are a well-seasoned private jet traveler, or you are just discovering all that the world of private jets as to offer, knowing which airports can offer you the best experience can enhance your trip.

We’ve got some of the best of the best private jets airports you will want to visit.



1. Aspen Pitkin County Airport

Looking to fly privately into Aspen, directly to the mountains?

Getting to this airport – at any time of year – can provide you with some spectacular views. Mountains, vistas, snowfalls. You name it, you may see it.

Aspen is one of the most popular destinations for winter travelers looking to enjoy some winter sports or a romantic getaway.



2. Napa County Airport

Napa is known for its wine. In fact, that is why it has been dubbed wine country. And, if visiting Napa is on your to-do list, then you’ll want to fly into the Napa County Airport.

Why? Well, let’s just say that it is the closest airport to your destination.

In addition, Napa has been ranked as having great customer service – and even better views.

You get to fly over the rolling hills covered in vineyards – what could be more beautiful?



3. Miami-Opa-Locka Executive Airport

Jumping on over to the opposite coast, you won’t want to miss flying into Miami.

When flying to Miami, the Opa-Locka airport is located in the heart of nearly everything.

You will fly in near the Miami Dolphin and Marlin stadium, not to mention you’re just a few moments from the beach, and just a few minutes from downtown.

The staff at this airport have been known to bring people back time and time again. And, it has the most beautiful views.

Miami has the blue water, the palm trees, and so much more – without having to set foot into the large and congested Miami International Airport.



4. John C. Tune Airport

If a trip to Nashville, Tennessee is in the cards for you, then you will want to skip the Nashville International Airport and, instead, fly your way to John C. Tune.

This airport is modern and updated with comfortable seating – in case you have to wait. Because of this, it’s one of the most popular private jet airports in the world.

It’s close to downtown and to music row, but it is very easily accessible.

While you sit back on your private jet and take in the mountains and scenery, you can rest assured that you will be faced with a very pleasant experience here.



5. Airports of Hawaii

Flying to Hawaii gives you many options, including which airport to choose. Of course, this primarily depends on which island you are traveling to.

And, if you are going to want to head straight for your destination, you will need to travel into private jet airports (since most Hawaiian Islands are not necessarily able to accommodate larger, commercial aircraft).

For example, the Lanai Airport serving the island of Lanai. Or, the Maui Kahului Airport serving Maui, and the Kauai Lihue AirportKauai Lihue Airport serving Kauai.

Believe it or not, these private jet airports in Hawaii are older and a bit outdated. But, that doesn’t stop them from providing you a personal, welcoming experience upon arrival.

If you are looking to add a personal touch to add to your Hawaiian trip, then you will want to check out these airports as opposed to Honolulu International Airport.



6. Charles de Gaulle Airport

If you know anything about travel to Paris, then you probably know that Charles de Gaulle Airport is one of the busiest airports worldwide.

That doesn’t mean, however, that it wouldn’t be accommodating and welcoming to those flying private.

On the contrary, actually. The busiest airport in Paris knows a thing or two about streamlining its services to meet the needs of its clients. And that is especially true for those flying private jets.

Whether you want to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, or you are in town for business, choose to fly into the Charles de Gaulle (or CDG as it is known).

It is fast and efficient, with ease of access not found at most airports. And, because you are flying private, the staff here is great with confidentiality and keeping private flights, well, private.

Great customer service to get you in and out of the sky as quickly and smoothly as possible.



7. Teterboro Airport

Teterboro Airport is one of the busiest private jet airports in the U.S. Perhaps this could be due to the fact that it feeds New York City.

Located just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, it is a great way to get up close and maneuver your way in and out of the city quickly. And, you better believe this airport has the process down pat.

Not to mention that the sheer size and number of runways – it is no wonder why it can accommodate so many planes and in and out each and every day.

Teterboro has an executive lounge-type waiting area, fairly quick security lines, and very friendly and accommodating staff.

You’ve got your options when flying into the New York and New Jersey area – especially including commercial airports. However, Teterboro is the best private jet airport is the best choice in the area.




When you fly a private jet, your destination options expand.

There are many airports that commercial airliners will never be able to land at. Take this into consideration before planning your next trip.

So, which one of these private jet airports will lead you to your next destination?

Discover someplace new – you’ll be glad you did.

Industry & News

8 Common Myths About Private Jet Rentals: Debunked

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of private jet rentals?

If you are like many others, you likely think of fortune, fame, the elite class – and a diamond dollar sign.

In years gone by, that would be about right. Musicians, movie stars, the CEO’s of Fortune 500 Companies – those were the individuals who flew in private jets.

Not anymore.

The truth about private jet rentals has been hidden for way too long.

And – before you can talk negatively about their cost, safety, security, hassle, and so forth – check out these myths.

We are putting these misconceptions away, once and for all.



Myth #1: You have to be wealthy to afford to fly in a private jet.

This is, perhaps, one of the biggest myths when it comes to private jets.

There has always been an elite status associated with those who travel in this manner.

Whether it refers to celebrities or top business executives, the idea that you have to be wealthy to afford them means that regular, everyday people wouldn’t even consider trying.

Today, you’d be surprised at just how affordable private jet rentals are – so you don’t have to be famous to fly one. With affordable charters, just about anyone can travel in style.



Myth #2: Small planes don’t travel as fast as commercial airliners.

Think that size doesn’t matter? The engines may be smaller in private jets, but it doesn’t take as much energy to power them as it does large, commercial airliners.

Many fly at speeds just as fast – or faster – than commercial airliners.

Have you ever been seated in a window seat on board a commercial flight and watched something small in the distance fly right by you? Perhaps you thought it was a bird.

Chances are, it was a private jet.


Myth #3: Private jet rentals are not very safe.

We hear it all the time: are private jets safe?

Private jet rentals have safety inspections, rules, and regulations that they must follow to fly, too.

By law, private jets (especially those who are flying chartered flights) must pass a rigorous inspection.

Once approved, they receive a certificate that will be displayed in the aircraft letting you know that it is safe to fly you to your destination.

Keep in mind, too, that private jets are not on tight schedules like commercial airliners.

Their maintenance can be performed at a slower, more thorough, rate – ensuring that the job is done right.



Myth #4: Booking a private jet charter is a complicated process.

If you are not familiar with chartering a private jet, the idea of the process could seem confusing and complicated. Thankfully, that is not the case.

It has been designed to be as simplistic as possible, with someone always ready to answer any question you have and walk you through the process, step by step.

Using a broker will ensure you are landing the perfect aircraft for your needs (depending on size and distance).

Don’t shy away from choosing a private jet based on the process.

You will be surprised. 


Myth #5: If you fly a lot, you should just own your own private jet.

Oh, no.

Flying a lot and owning your own jet do not go hand-in-hand.

Jets are expensive to own and maintain. They require maintenance and a crew, a pilot, a storage facility, and so much more.

Even if you travel quite often, the costs of chartering your flight are much less than having your own private jet.

This is especially true when considering monetary and opportunity costs.



Myth #6: You still have to go through TSA security checkpoints.

When traveling via a private jet rentals, you can, in some airports, drive your car straight to the jet on the tarmac.

Others may send you through a small office area.

However, no matter how you get to your aircraft, you do not have to go anywhere near a TSA checkpoint.

So, with private jet travel you can rest assured that you will not stand in a long security line.


Myth #7: You can’t travel to as many destinations as you can with commercial air travel.

Would you believe that you can actually travel to more destinations?

Not only can private jet rentals fly into any major airport, but they can also fly into the many smaller airports around the world.

These are usually business or executive airports and they are not designed to accommodate commercial aircraft.

Depending on where you are traveling, you may find that you can get even closer to your destination when choosing to charter a private jet.

In addition, you will encounter some other perks, such as not having to deal with the hassles that come with large airports.

This includes being more easily accessible and having less traffic – foot and auto.



Myth #8: You cannot rely on private jet rentals.

If you are heading to your flight and you encounter a traffic accident that has shut down your route, you may begin to panic.

After all, what will do if you miss your flight or you will be late?

If you are flying commercial and you contact the airline to let them know you are stuck in traffic and to hold the plane, you may hear chuckling on the other end.

However, if you are flying a private jet, you can just give them a call and ask the pilot to relax for a few extra minutes as you make your way there.

Easily done.

Private jet rentals don’t have thousands and thousands of passengers demanding their attention.

They have you. That means they can be flexible when you need them to be.

While they do have often have schedules to keep, they have more wiggle room than the big guy. So that means you can rely on them no matter what the circumstance.


Thinking private jet rentals are out of reach is a thing of the past.

These machines are affordable, safe, accessible, and can take you to more destinations than you could ever imagine.

Next time you are traveling, check out how easy chartering truly is.

Travel Tips

How to Find the Perfect Jet Charter Broker


If you are like most people, you have never flown in a private jet – let alone chartered your own. However, times are changing, and this option is becoming more and more accessible to everyone, especially with the help of a jet charter broker.

Whether it is due to frustration with hidden commercial airline fees, concern over safety, or just a more convenient private airport, deciding to charter a private jet can take your travel experiences to a whole new height. And, you know that you need someone on your side.

But, who? Where do you even start? How do you know what to look for? What questions should you ask?

To help you maneuver your way into the world of private air travel, we have decided to fill you in on all the secrets on how to find the perfect jet charter broker.

What is a jet charter broker?

Similar to that of a travel agent, a real estate agent, or a yacht broker, a jet charter broker is someone who works between the passenger and the private jet company or owner. Everything that you don’t know about chartering a private jet – the broker will know. He or she has a network of jets available and knows the ins and outs of them. For instance:

  • Brokers know that traveling to a destination of great distance is going to require more fuel which, in turn, may require a larger jet. Or, of course, additional stops.
  • Brokers are aware of the capacity for each type of jet so that they may only present you the options that will fit your party.
  • Brokers understand the weight load allowed on each flight – which includes a combination of passengers and luggage.

In other words, brokers are there to help guide you in the world of private air travel. They have the connections and the knowledge. So, you can just sit back and let your jet charter broker handle your booking while you pack your bags.


Where do I find one?

Just as you could look up a travel agent online, in the old yellow pages of the phone book, or by remembering a piece of marketing or advertising material, so you can with private jet charter brokers. However, why would you just randomly choose a broker you don’t know?

Because you are talking about putting your life – and potentially the lives of your loved ones – onto a private jet, you want to make sure you find a broker that you can trust and that has your best interest in mind. Therefore, when looking for a broker, ask around. Word of mouth can be a great tool for charter services.

If you do choose to pick a random broker, be sure to do your research. Read reviews and ask questions. The more you feel comfortable with what you hear, read, and see, the better.


Should I visit before I fly?

To make sure everything seems legitimate, you may want to visit the charter broker at his or her office. Of course, this may not be possible for everyone and varies by location, but it is definitely something to keep in mind.

If you like what you see – and it appears reputable – then great. If you get an odd feeling and want to run, then – by all means find – another broker.


How important is a broker’s experience?

Experience is incredibly important. The more experienced your jet charter broker, the more properly thought out your air travel will be. You want an efficient flight – from the size and type of the plane to the most convenient airport locations. Your broker should be able to provide you with the ins and outs of the private flight world.

Depending on when and where you are traveling, you will have the choice of one-way, round trip, and empty leg flights. Your pricing and convenience options may vary – and an experienced broker will know the best options.



What about safety?

While your jet charter broker will know what to be on the lookout for when it comes to FAA regulations and jet safety and maintenance, you will want to educate yourself, as well. After all, you are putting your life in someone else’s hands.

Each private charter company should be able to provide you with:

  • Proof that it is documented with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). If they are, then they will be granted a Part 135 air taxi certificate. This Air Carrier Certificate means they can fly chartered flights and must abide by restrictions and guidelines put into place by the FAA. Always ask to see the certificate. If they cannot provide it, they may not be an FAA-approved.
  • The name of the third-party auditor used. Third-party auditors are outside safety experts that come in and check the private jets. They review any and all documentation of the aircraft, maintenance records and certifications. They even perform background checks on pilots and crew. These safety checks are handled and monitored both onsite and offsite. The most popular third-party companies are Wyvern and Aviation Research Group (ARGUS).
  • Proof of insurance. Just as with any service you use, such as contractors, mechanics, or even the operation of your own vehicle, you must have insurance. This is what protects those who are traveling should an issue arise. Plus, as a safety precaution, the higher the amount of the policy, the more likely the insurance company is to make additional checks to the safety and care of the aircraft – and the operators.

All of these methods are available to protect the passengers, the aircraft, and the crew. If you choose a good broker, he or she will know exactly what to look for and will be able to provide you this information.

There is a definite benefit to seeking out a jet charter broker. Doing so can save you time, hassle, and even money. Do your research and find someone you can trust. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to do your own investigating – just to make sure your flight has been checked for safety before you board.

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