Travel Tips

Advantages of a New York Jet Charter

Advantages of a New York Jet Charter | The Early AIr Way

Many people may think that they can’t afford a New York private jet charter, but there are some big advantages to private air charter travel that can outweigh the costs for certain people and businesses.

When it comes to comfort, there is no comparison between commercial air travel and a private jet charter. With a private jet charter, you will get personal service from the time you show up at the office until you arrive at your destination and get off the plane. You won’t get anywhere near that kind of service on commercial travel, even in first class.

You can’t beat the convenience of a private jet charter. You won’t have to stand in ticket lines or security lines, and you won’t have to worry about how many bags you can take and whether you need to check a bag or not. You also don’t have to show up at the airport and hour or more before your departure time and you won’t have to fly with dozens or hundreds or other people.

When it comes to getting to your destination quickly, a private jet charter is the way to go. Private jets fly about as fast as a commercial jet, but it’s on the ground where you make up time. Not having to be bound by a set commercial schedule allows you to fly when it’s most convenient for you. And the fact that you can fly point to point in most cases, without having to stop at a hub airport, will save you hours.

On a per-ticket basis, a private jet charter is more expensive than even a last-minute first class ticket on a commercial flight. But for a business that has to fly several people to the same destination, a private jet charter might actually be a better deal. It pays to at least check into it and not assume the charter flight will be more expensive.


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Private Jets Furnishings Customized

One of the perks of flying private aircraft is that the interior of each one is furnished in a style unique to that airplane. Some can even be fitted with golden sinks. This one in particular is styled to mimic a vintage train, for those more old-schooled travelers with time constraints.

The corporate jet can ferry up to 19 passengers with 5 mini-suites for the basic feel of a private train cabin. A wide lounge connects these suites and a parlor for a movie center and room for conversations. The master bedroom has an en suite bathroom with shower, a private office space, and a convertible sofa and conversation space.


Click here for the full article on Robb Report.


Private Jet Construction Booming

Private jets are taking longer and longer to build as new features get added to each model. Newer models like the Gulfstream G650 and G650ER allow for customization of appliances, furniture, storage, and climate control from a smartphone. All of these options take time to implement, and the sheer number of orders for most producers is astonishing.

Demand for new private jets has manufacturers reeling, with wait lists as long as two years piling up with even more new orders. Scott Neal from Gulfstream noted that more businesses realize that a corporate jet allos for better worldwide business.


Click here to read the full article on Fortune.

Aircraft Travel Tips

Private Jet Travel is How Business Class Gets Upgraded

While private jet travel is favored by both business and leisure travelers, it is the business travel sector that bolsters private jet travel revenues. Sure, the general public has visions of celebrities flying off with select groups of friends to exclusive vacation hot spots around the world when they hear the phrase private jet travel, but when the rubber meets the runway, it’s the business travelers who opt for the convenience and flexibility offered by private jet charters. Here are some prime private jet travel destinations for elite business travelers.

Hong Kong
As China’s economy continues to grow, many business operators from around the globe visit Hong Kong to forge stronger professional relationships with Chinese manufacturers and suppliers. Chinese government officials also travel to countries to establish trading partnerships, and their business professionals take trips to oversee their foreign business operations. Private jet travel to the crowded Chinese city is preferable to navigating its public airports.

South Africa has become a leading oil producer in Africa, and Johannesburg is where the national policies that pertain to the lucrative resource are made. The city likely receives plenty of air traffic from visiting oil and mining executives from its economic allies in Brazil, Russia, India and China. Business travelers who cannot get direct flights to Johannesburg from their cities of origin readily opt for private jet travel.

The United Kingdom’s capital has been a financial hub in Europe since medieval times. London remains an important global financial and political center. Great Britain’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) makes London a key private jet destination for NATO diplomats who have to travel to the country’s capital for meetings.

Since the Russian government has promoted trade with countries on four continents, Russian business leaders often travel great distances to reach some of their most important economic partners. For these persons private jet charters may be more efficient than waiting around for connecting flights in numerous public airports. Private flights allow them to get to their destinations quickly, conduct their business and return home to their families.

Washington, D.C.
The capital of the United States is a common private jet charter destination for those who work as government civilians, top military officials, law makers and industry executives. Both international and domestic business travelers who must attend impromptu meetings or who just want to avoid the crowds at Dulles, Reagan and Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall airports count direct, private jet travel as a blessing.


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Industry & News

Private Jets Getting Upgraded

The conveniences from private jet charters has been discussed many times over, but these benefits are great for business travelers. Most charter clients can arrive and be in flight before commercial passengers get through check-in. But, private jets are being upgraded more frequently as time moves on, so the amenities are getting better bringing more comfort to other types of clients. And jet charter companies themselves are growing as well.

Aircraft investments have been seen to be growing, and wider varieties are being purchased and renovated. Tom Trudeau  works with charter companies to upgrade or repair aircraft, and “aircraft he works on range in price from $15,000 to about $3 million” showing that a much broader market is in the works.


Click here to read the full article from Business West.

Aircraft Industry & News

Benefits of a Hawaii Private Jet Charter

If you are flying to Hawaii, a private jet charter for your long plane trip might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it could be the way to go. There are many benefits to flying a private jet charter instead of commercial that people might not be aware of. When booking your next flight to Hawaii, consider the following benefits of a Hawaii private jet charter.

Flying to Hawaii from anywhere in the continental U.S., even the West Coast, takes several hours. For such a flight, you can’t beat the comfort of a private jet charter. You will have more room and more amenities than you can get even in first class on a commercial flight.

When you are flying to Hawaii, every extra bit of convenience that makes your trip more tolerable counts, and you get those little extra bits of convenience with a private jet charter. When you fly private, you don’t have to show up to the airport extra early, stand in long ticket or security lines, have to worry about how many bags you can bring and how much they will cost or spend tons of time waiting on the plane for passengers to get on and off. Instead, you can save time and your sanity by arriving shortly before your flight and boarding your plane quickly while also disembarking quickly when you arrive at your destination.

If you are going to Hawaii for vacation or to see family, you probably want to get there as soon as possible. You can’t beat the speed of a private jet charter. In addition to saving time on both the boarding and arrival processes, you also have the advantage of being able to fly straight to where you are going. If you are visiting an island other than Oahu, you can fly straight there rather than having to change planes in Honolulu for another flight.

Though it is more expensive than a commercial flight, the benefits of a private jet charter can make it something you should consider for your next flight to Hawaii.

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Private Jets to Get Faster With New Aircraft Concepts

New designs in aircraft are expected to cut travel time as new planes reach unbelievable speeds. The Antipode, a concept craft so far is estimated to fly at 12,427 miles per hour, or Mach 24.

With past supersonic aircraft for travel, upkeep is too expensive for commercial applications, so the new designs are more geared towards smaller aircraft carrying about 10 passengers. Private jets that incorporate these new concepts would be capable of travelling from New York to London in 11 minutes, or New York to Sydney in roughly 30 minutes.

This style of flight would be perfect for those intercontinental business meetings for lunch, and returning home for dinner.


Click here to read the full details from BizTekMojo.

Aircraft Industry & News

How Jet Hedging Works


When you think about hedging as it relates to planes, you probably think about fuel hedging, which is something the commercial airlines do a lot of as they try to buy fuel ahead of time at a set price to provide consistent costs. Private jet owners engage in fuel hedging, too, but there is another type of hedging when it comes to private flying.

What Is Jet Hedging?

When people don’t want to or can’t afford their own plane, they can buy into fractional jet ownership, meaning they get a certain amount of use of a single plane or multiple planes in one category, such as small, medium or large. These programs offer a lot of advantages, but they also have some limitations. Jet hedging takes the process a bit further by allowing those with fractional ownership to have more control over what type of plane they have. For example, if someone bought fractional ownership in a small jet, say an eight-seater, but needed a larger jet for a trip, a hedging company could help.

Advantages Of Jet Hedging

With jet hedging, you get more control not only over the type of aircraft you fly in but also the way the seating is configured, how old it is and what its customer satisfaction rating is. If you need a larger jet or one that has a bigger range than the one in which you have ownership, hedging can make it happen. And though hedging sounds as though it would add costs onto what you already spend for your fractional ownership, in many cases such trips can actually be a better value. Hedging companies buy empty legs on other jets, which they get at a discount.

Private jet travel already has many advantages over commercial air travel and being able to do private jet hedging is just one more advantage. You can use hedging to make you air travel even more convenient.


Advantages Of A Houston Private Jet Charter


Flying commercial is a reality for most travelers, but for those with the means, a Houston private jet charter is the way to go. Even flying first class can’t match the convenience of a private jet charter. There are several advantages of using a Houston private jet charter for your flying needs.

Fly when you want
When you use a private jet charter, you have much more control over when you fly. Instead of being dependent on the airline schedules, which may or may not be convenient for you, you can choose whether you want to leave early or later in the day.

Fly where you want
One of the biggest problems with commercial air travel is that if you need to fly from one small city to another, you can’t do it directly. Instead, you have to fly through a hub and change planes, which can add hours to your trip. When you fly on a private jet charter, you can fly straight through to just about any airport, as long as it has the facilities to handle the plane on which you are flying.

Added convenience
Flying a private jet charter is much more convenient than commercial air travel. For example, you don’t have to go through long check-in lines, which means you don’t have to show up at the airport as early. You also don’t have to worry about how many bags you are bringing and whether you can carry them on or have to check them. In addition, since it will just be you and a handful of other people, you don’t have to worry about sitting next to someone who is a nuisance.

Personal attention
With a private jet charter, you get a level of personal attention that just isn’t possible when flying commercial. From check-in, to the pilots to the flight attendants, you will be treated with more personal care than you could ever hope to experience on a commercial flight.

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Industry & News

Use of Business Jets Rises in the Middle East

While most corporations had to cut back on business jet use over the past few years due to the global financial crisis, many reports are showing that the use of private jets is in fact making a comeback. Private Jet Charter, based in Dubai, explains that while “CEOs in the Middle East predominantly use corporate jets for business travel…they are also starting to fly them more for leisure purposes.” Approximately 10% of private flights in the region are for leisure, while the rest are considered to be for business purposes. However, this shows great potential for growth of the luxury travel sector and for leisure travel as well.

Click here to read the full article by Chad Trautvetter for AIN Online.

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