Travel Tips
8 Ways To Enjoy A Painless Long Term Flight
When it comes to flights that last more than a few hours, the excitement of travel can wear off quickly and give way to exhaustion and boredom. If you’re taking a long term flight and need a few tips and tricks to make it painless, read on! Travel light: Be sure not to cut off…
Read MoreKey Factors That Affect Jet Lag
While traveling is an incredible experience full of so many incredible aspects, one that many of us do not enjoy is that of jet lag. If you have trouble recovering after many hours of flying, you are not alone. Certain key factors play a main role in determining how much or little jet lag you…
Read MorePack Light For Your Next Vacation
Looking to pack light on your next trip? While many suitcases might encourage you to put in as many articles of clothing as possible, newer types of suitcases help to reform our desire for over packing. A compact travel bag called Rolo is designed with separate mesh compartments to force you to pack lightly. Not…
Read MoreSix Tips for Planning Your International Trip
Planning your first international vacation? Here’s a list of six good tips to keep in mind as you set off on your globe-trotting trip. When beginning your planning, be realistic about your schedule, your budget, and your ideal destinations. Consider your personality and what you are looking for in your vacation. Research, research, research. Consider…
Read MoreWhy Can't I Sleep On the Plane?
Even the best of travelers can have trouble getting some shut-eye while en route to their destination. The intention is often good: to use the extra time to rest up and get some good sleep before arrival. But somehow, sleeping on the plane can be difficult. To help yourself get a good nap in on…
Read MoreFive Ways To Make Your Flight Better
Although flying on a private jet charter improves most aspects of a flight, flying for a long period of time can still be quite a tiring experience. These five easy tips will help you to pass the time and stay comfortable. Bring a water bottle. Staying hydrated will help you to feel better throughout the…
Read MoreThe Value of a Vacation
While vacations provide obvious benefits such as the chance to get away and explore somewhere new, travel has been associated time and time again with a variety of other benefits. Proven to alleviate burnout and workplace stress, vacations can impact your health in a very positive way. Making time for your needs will allow you…
Read MoreTips for Avoiding Jet Lag
Whether you’re taking a short flight within the same time zone or jetsetting across the globe, traveling by plane can leave you feeling tired and worn out. Preventing and avoiding jet lag is possible with the right planning. Start trying to adjust your internal clock several days before departure. By getting onto a new schedule…
Read MoreDealing With Data For Overseas Travel
When it comes to traveling abroad, using your phone can be an expensive way of communicating. Most Americans do not have international data plans, and for this reason it can be a challenge to plan for overseas travel if you don’t have the right information. Start by talking to your phone company to be sure…
Read MoreDraws for Art Aficionados in Malaga
The city of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain has been growing as a center of art over the past few decades. Known by many for its thirty museums, “golden-age” architecture, and for being the birth place of Pablo Picasso, Malaga has many sights to offer for visitors. The Picasso Museum and Casa Natal celebrate the artist’s upbringing…
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