Posts Tagged ‘luxury travel’
The Most Tech-Friendly Airports Worldwide
As our world has become increasingly connected to the Internet and to each other, it’s become that much more important for us to be able to communicate while traveling. Finding an airport or plane with a strong WiFi connection and other tech-friendly amenities can be central to a good travel experience for the most tech-centric…
Read MorePacking Healthy Snacks for Travel
When preparing for your next trip, it might seem like you have dozens of items to check off your to-do list before you leave. Between packing, prepping, and making arrangements, it’s important to remember your health! Besides bringing any necessary vitamins or prescriptions, packing healthy snacks for your journey is a great idea. Pre-pack snacks…
Read MoreGreat Ways To Beat Jet Lag
For even the most experienced and savvy of travelers, jet lag can affect your ability to enjoy traveling. Fighting jet lag starts by planning ahead, and Travelzoo has compiled a list of 10 tips to help you beat it and get the most of your vacation. Make a sleep schedule Start adjusting your hours before…
Read More7 Must-Visit North American Destinations
While wanderlust and world travel might be desirable, time and budget may prevent you from being able to take the international trips that you want. If you’re looking for a destination closer to home, these North American destinations are great options to visit. Paris, closer to home: Quebec City, Canada Scenic: Big Sur, California Natural…
Read MoreTravel Keeps The Heart and Brain Healthy
As we get older, it seems that maintaining our health directly affects our ability to travel and take active vacations. However, research is suggesting that travel actually helps to keep our bodies healthy as we age. In fact, traveling is linked to a lower risk of heart attack and other heart issues, and can keep…
Read MoreThe World's Happiest Countries
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations has released its World Happiness Report, taking into account a variety of factors that affect citizens’ overall happiness. People in the countries toward the top of the list boast some of the longest life expectancies, more freedom to make choices, higher GDP per capita, more generosity,…
Read MoreWhat Are the Benefits of Traveling?
You’ve probably heard by now that Americans don’t travel enough- according to a study from Expedia, over 30% of Americans didn’t use all of their vacation days. For some reason, American culture strives for job success and there is a stigma that leaving your job for a few weeks to travel somehow equates with not…
Read MoreThe Best Places to Visit in April
While it seems that there’s never a bad time to travel, there are certainly different places around the world that might be better seen at a specific time of year. Be it the weather, the festivities, or the nature, zooming in on a time of year (or even specific month) might help you to have…
Read MoreThe Most Fitness-Friendly Cities in America
Smart Asset collected data on more than 360 of the biggest metropolitan areas across America to better understand which ones were the most fitness-friendly. Taking into consideration the people, places, and food options in these cities, they have compiled a list of 369 metro areas according to these factors. See below for the top ten…
Read MoreSpots to See in 2015
As many different publications have mentioned, 2015 will be a year full of great travel opportunities and rising cities to visit. If you’re considering checking out a few new cities this year, Wellington, Nizwa (Oman), Chennai (India), Salta (Argentina), and Johannesburg are five of the top cities that are not only worth visiting, but cities…
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