Industry & News

The Future of Travel Transportation

As scientific advancements continue to revolutionize the world we live in, so has travel continued to move forward and change the way that we get from one place to another. Forecasters of the travel industry believe that cars may become more of a service than a good in the coming years, while plans and trains are both getting faster and more eco-friendly in methodology. Space plans are now the latest concept being talked about- scramjet technology could propel aircrafts 15x the speed of sound with almost no moving parts. While this may still be far away, it is exciting to consider the possibilities of travel transportation in the future.

Click here to read the full article by Thom Patterson for CNN Travel.

Industry & News

Personalized Service Increasingly Important

At a premier luxury show, Claire Bennett, the VP of American Express discussed a recent survey conducted by AmEx about high-touch service and how people use technology to book their travel accommodations.

Surprisingly,”while the survey revealed that 90% of millennials use their desktop to book travel, they start their search using a mobile device.”

35% of Millennials also said they would travel more if personalized service was available.

Since technology as become such a big part of our daily lives people are looking for that human, personalized touch while away.

During the Paris terrorist attacks, AmEx contacted it’s customers that were in the area to see if they were ok and if AmEx could help them in anyway.

Those kind of gestures are going to mean everything to customers in the future, especially travelers who may be on their own and in a foreign country.

Click here to read the full article by Jeri Clausing on Travel Weekly.

Industry & News Travel Tips

3 Ways to Enjoy the Ultimate in Luxury Travel

Whether you are familiar with the industry of luxury travel or may be new to the idea, here are a few great ideas for enjoying the ultimate luxuries around the world. Many luxury brands hold contests where winners can enjoy a luxurious tour package at a chosen destination. This may be a great option for those who are on a tighter budget. For seasoned luxury travelers, taking a sabbatical and enjoying an extended holiday may be just what you are looking for. Another option is organizing a trip with a luxury tour operator who knows just what you’ll like and is knowledgeable about the destination you choose.

Click here to read the full article for the Traveller World Guide.

Industry & News

The Five Best National Parks in the World

Traveling the world has so much to offer, from city centers bustling with life to incredible natural beauty of the outdoors that provides serenity and escape. If you’re looking for the latter, checking out many of the world’s protected parks will be a great option for you. Kruger National Park in Africa is one of the largest game reserves on the continent, Yosemite National Park offers spectacular cliffs and waterfalls, and Galapagos National Park consists of an archipelago of small islands and incredible wildlife. The Grand Canyon is an iconic spot in the United States that will not let you down, and the Everglades are home to 36 endangered species of animal. No matter what you are looking for, these national parks are sure to make your trip special.

Click here to read the full article by Matthew Coe for A Luxury Travel Blog.

Industry & News

Prince William Takes Commuter Flight

Passengers traveling from LaGuardia in New York to Ronald Reagan in Washington D.C. were surprised to find Prince William on their commuter flight. While many would expect the Duke of Cambridge to fly private only, he took the commercial flight between New York City and our nation’s capital in first class. The Duke and Duchess are in the United States for a three-day tour.

Click here to read the full article by Joanna Prisco for ABC News.

Destinations Industry & News

How to See Rio de Janeiro

Having already hosted the World Cup and preparing for the Olympics in 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is one of the hottest cities to visit right now. With incredible sights to see, a rich and historic culture, and tons of personalized tours to take advantage of, there has never been a better time to visit. Be sure to climb the Selaron Stairs, take in Sugar Loaf, and visit Christ the Redeemer, which towers above the city. If you are looking for luxury travel options, there are certainly many to check out.

Click here to read the full article by Paul Johnson for A Luxury Travel Blog.

Destinations Industry & News

The Business Exec's Guide to San Francisco

While San Francisco only takes up a seven mile by seven mile grid, the city can feel quite large with all it has to offer. If you are a business exec staying in the city for work or even just there for pleasure, CNN has compiled a list for you. From a cushy ride to pick you up at the airport to the most posh hotels in the Bay, you can have a wonderful luxury travel experience in San Francisco. CNN has pointed out some of the best restaurants, sights to see, and best photo opps around the city.

Click here to check out the full article by Suzanne Russo for CNN Travel.

Industry & News

Unusual Ski Experiences for the Luxury Traveler

If you’re ready for an exciting adventure this winter to spice up your usual travel plans, look no further than this list of unusual ski experiences! From Norway to Japan, unique opportunities for those who love skiing the fresh powder are awaiting you. Fjord skiing in Lofoten, Norway, ice karting in Verbier, Switzerland, snow tubing in Naeba, Japan, and heli skiing in Colorado all offer very unique ways to enjoy the winter weather in a way fit for a luxury traveler.

Click here to read the full article by Tom Marchant for A Luxury Travel Blog.

Industry & News

By 2030 1 Billion More People Will Be Travelling

The International Luxury Travel Market released a report yesterday and projects that 1 billion extra people will be travelling in 2030. The luxury travel industry is also expected to grow and has already increased 48% since 2010. The United States and Asia are also going to see a rise in the amount of affluent households which will contribute to more luxury trips.

Click here to read the full article by F. Pilkington on KippReport.

Industry & News

Why are Major U.S. Airports so Disliked?

This time of year is the busiest season to travel in the United States. Though U.S. airports are among the safest in the world there are many blogs on the internet complaining about how unfriendly American airports are compared to other countries that boast gardens and activities. U.S. airports are slated to become renovated but traffic is also supposed to almost double by 2034 which could cause more problems. Flying in and out of larger airports will always come with longer lines and more hassles than smaller private airports.

Click here to read the full article by Vanessa Bradford on BBC.

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