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Travel for Business Can Become a Vacation

While some executives may not enjoy traveling for business, making the most of it can help you from feeling burnt out and help you to feel better about work. When traveling for work, try to extend your trip by a few days in order to take advantage of the attractions that that city has to…

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Why Travel Makes Us Successful

You may have heard before that travel offers a wide variety of benefits- both to your health and to your life overall. Evidence points to the idea that those who travel tend to be quite successful. Why is this? Travel helps you to acquire skills and drive ambition. Trying something new helps you to think…

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The Best Tips for Beating Jet Lag

Because our bodies are set on a natural clock called the circadiuan rhythm, traveling through different time zones can be a shock to the system. To prevent the worst of jet lag suffering, there are plenty of good tips and trick to follow. Pre-Travel Start changing your sleep routine early. If you’re going west, start…

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7 Amazing Adventures in Yosemite

Whether you’re an avid hiker or just enjoy spending time outdoors, Yosemite National Park has so many beautiful things to offer. From the most iconic mountains to accessible adventures, the national park is world class and sure to be a great destination for your next trip. Hike Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point Get to…

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Things to Know Before Taking Your Private Jet to Miami

Flying on a private jet comes with some very nice perks. Though first class on a commercial flight can be quite enjoyable as well, it still does not provide the same customized experience that a private flight does. Before planning your flight on your private jet to Miami, there are a few things that you…

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Fly on a Dallas Private Jet Charter

If you enjoy the finer things in life and desire to make your next Dallas trip one to remember from the start, a private jet charter is something to consider. With the flexibility, privacy and high-class amenities that come with a Dallas private jet charter, it is an experience that anyone can enjoy. However, full…

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Off-Season Travel Spots To Check Out

While summer can be the most appealing time for travel due to time off from work and school, it can also mean peak levels of travelers and lots of crowds. If you’ve ever wondered when the off-season times are for different places around the world, you aren’t alone. Below are a list of travel spots that…

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How Will Travel Transform by 2024?

As the travel industry continues to innovate and move forward, certain trends are predicted to take over the way we go about traveling. Skyscanner’s experts believe that by 2024 we will all have personal digital assistants to support our travels- from knowing the details of our traveling style to what time we need wake-up calls.…

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Top Art Shows To Visit This Fall

If you’re an art aficionado or just beginning to explore the global scene of art, these top art shows are a must-see if you are traveling this fall. Below are ten of the top art exhibits around the world that debut in the next few months. Alexandre Singh, “The Chorus” Galerie Art : Concept, Paris, September…

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Best Places to Retire Overseas

If you’re a travel aficionado looking to retire somewhere exciting overseas, look no further! Live and Invest Overseas has released its 2015 index of the best places to retire abroad. Some places are tropical, while others are urban. When considering different places for retirement, be sure to consider what you value most and what amenities…

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