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Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Traveling

Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Traveling | The Early Air Way

Maintaining a healthy diet during vacation can be a challenging task. Disrupted and sometimes unpredictable dining and sleep schedules can greatly contribute to poor eating choices. Regardless of the type of vacation, these three healthy eating tips will apply for private jet travel, road trips, and cruise excursions:

  • Eat breakfast: Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is sure help travelers maintain energy throughout their vacation.
  • Eat snacks: A healthy snack every three to four hours will keep a person’s blood sugar levels stable and prevent overeating.
  • Eat light meals: Because heavy and large meals can often result in fatigue, consuming at least one light meal a day will invigorate travelers on their journey.


Here are a few additional tips to eating healthy while traveling:
Private Jet Flight 

  • Stay hydrated with beverages like water, tea, and 100 percent juice.
  • Bring an empty water bottle in a carry-on, and fill with water from a water fountain after going through security.
  • Place some fresh ginger in an empty travel mug, and fill with hot water while onboard the private jet charter to Miami, Florida.
  • Pack snacks in a carry-on such as fresh fruit, kale chips, whole-grain crackers, miniature sandwich/wraps, trail mix, and/or freeze-dried vegetables.

Road Trips

  • Pack a small cooler with homemade sandwiches, fresh fruit, yogurt, water, raw veggies, and hummus.
  • Travel with nutritious snacks like trail mix, granola bars, dried fruits, and trail mix.
  • Avoid snacking while driving, and schedule a stop for a quick healthy meal. A break from riding in the car will enable travelers to participate in short exercises such as jumping jacks and other leg stretches.

Cruise Excursions 

  • Always eat a healthy breakfast on the ship.
  • Enjoy healthy dining options during the cruise such as the Canyon Ranch Spa Cuisine on the Queen Mary 2.
  • Consume one lighter meal and one larger meal every day on the excursion.

For those traveling with family and/or friends, hold each other accountable for maintaining healthy eating habits while on vacation.


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