Travel Tips

Combat Jet Lag with 6 Tips

Combat Jet Lag with 6 Tips | The Early Air Way's Blog

Flying to your next business or vacation destination can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle and no one wants to be exhausted on a trip. Here are 6 tips to fight jet lag next time you fly out of your time zone.

  1. A week before you’re trip start adjusting your bed time and wake up time, forward or backward, to match your destination.
  2. Do the above with your eating habits too and stay hydrated.
  3. Once you get on the plane adjust your watch to your destinations time so you know when to eat and sleep while travelling especially to far destinations.
  4. Pick the right music to keep you awake or put you to sleep with noise cancelling headphones on the plane.
  5. If you arrive at your destination during the day, stay outside so your body adjusts Serotonin levels in your body and exercise 2 hours before going to bed if you need to tire yourself out.
  6. Eat breakfast with high protein to wake you up and avoid alcohol which can disrupt your sleep.

Click here to read the full article by Michael Wilkens on Luxury Travel Blog.

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