So, what’s the hype around private jet empty leg deals this time of year? If this is something you’ve been curious about and if you’re ready for a luxurious adventure, read below!
Are you heading out for travel during the holiday break? Maybe heading out during the beginning of 2021 to kick the year off right? Looking to visit a new or familiar destination to kill the monotony?
If the world around you is nagging you to get out and have some fun, you may find yourself in the middle of a toss-up. Do you get out and experience all the adventures calling your name? Or do you practice social distancing and keep yourself and your loved ones home? Maybe you’d even thought that the only way you would get out and travel would be to fly private, but who has money for that?
Well, what if you could have all these things?
What? All of them?
Yes! What if you could travel on an adventure while keeping yourself safe and socially distanced – all while flying on a private jet?
It’s possible. It’s why private jet empty leg deals are the perfect way to travel this time of year!
What Are Empty Leg Deals?
Perhaps we should take a moment to talk about empty leg deals. Since there are so many new private travelers this year, many aren’t aware of what savings can be found. So, what exactly is an empty leg deal?
It works like this:
Let’s say a private jet is chartered to fly from Phoenix, AZ to Champaign, IL. It has to be back in Phoenix for another flight in a day or two. So, whether it has a passenger or not, the jet is going to leave Champaign and travel to Phoenix.
This is what is called an empty leg. The deal comes in when you take advantage of this trip – and purchase a seat onboard the flight. It’s going to the destination regardless of whether you book the flight. That results in you getting a good price on your ticket. After all, for the owner of the jet to make some money with a passenger is better than no money. It’s a win-win for both parties.
Save Yourself Some Money
Let’s be honest – the size of your bank account doesn’t matter when the holiday season approaches because everybody seems to spend money. And lots of it. Which always makes entering the new year with your wallet tightly strapped. All the more reason why it is difficult to go on a travel adventure this time of year.
By taking advantage of empty leg deals, you can find yourself getting out of the house and saving money at the same time.
Save Yourself Some Time
Time is precious. That is one of the many lessons we’ve learned over the past year, isn’t it? If we want to save ourselves some time, then a private jet is the way to travel – especially this time of year.
Take a moment to think about holiday travel this time of year. There are so many nightmare stories out there that you either have your own or personally know someone who has. Weather delays, overbooked flights, crowded airports, long security lines – the list can go on and on.
Who has the time to deal with all of that? And who wants to?
Cherish your time by opting for private jet travel this season. Avoid all the things that make major airports and commercial airliners miserable. With a private jet, you will avoid long security lines and won’t have to worry about dealing with heavy crowds in the airport. Though, the best news is not having to worry about heavily delayed flights. For instance, private jets are often faster at getting in the air after rough weather and, they can even make last-minute calls to change their route to avoid this weather altogether.
Don’t waste your time sitting in lines or in airports – fly private.
Keep Yourself Safe
Unless you have been living under a rock, you are aware that COVID-19 has greatly impacted the way we live – and, most definitely, the way we travel. It has also kept many people at home while bringing a lot of fear about traveling. It’s understandable.
The coronavirus is likely the reason why you are feeling such an urge to get out there and travel. Would you agree?
You don’t have to force yourself to stay home and forego any traveling. But, what you need to do, is recognize the value that comes with flying on a private jet – which means safety for you and your loved ones. By choosing this private travel option, you no longer put yourself at high risk for contracting the virus. You are removing the crowds and close quarters and giving yourself a more socially distanced travel method.
Enjoy All the Perks
Finally, if you are trying to determine the true value of using empty leg private jet deals for your travel needs this time of year, just think of all the perks you get. And, yes, there are even more than we have discussed already.
Private jet travel allows you to:
- Surround yourself in comfortable seating and the ability to relax.
- Take advantage of the many amenities offered by private charters.
- Avoid overly rigid time schedules.
- Fly when other flights are grounded.
- Enjoy luxurious airport accommodations.
- Privacy to handle business, sleep, etc. without other passengers.
- Top-notch cleanliness and sanitization before every flight so you are safe.
- Experience new destinations and new airports by allowing your spontaneous side to take over.
And to think that you get all of these while saving money and taking advantage of empty leg deals. No, that is definitely something to bring some joy to this time of year.
Check Out Empty Leg Deals Today!
If you think about it, value comes in all different forms. Saving money is always a plus, but when you can partake in travel while still protecting your health, your loved ones, your time, and your sanity – well, that’s quite a bit of value all packed into one.
Always – especially this time of year – enjoy flying private with all the value that comes with empty leg deals.