Working remotely while traveling the world is what it is about moving forward. More and more companies, and not just those 20’something millennial start-ups, but even established companies are beginning to understand the very real link between employee happiness and work productivity. Employees who travel widely also have a far greater sense of real value and global issues, both of which can greatly improve the mental and literal well being of the overall corporation.
Multiple companies now even offer exciting new opportunities for people who aren’t necessarily up for quitting their jobs and moving permanently around the world, but instead allow them to continue working but from a remote location, all arranged for them. With such companies participants must get employer approval to work remotely, however the companies than arrange air travel, apartments, and co-working spaces.
Working remotely from around the globe is often glamorized with photos of laptops on a table with a tropical drink and a glorious beach scene in the background. And, while that is sometimes the truth, in the real day to day, remote workers spend as many hours a day working as many back in the cubicle 9-5. The difference being the ability to live in exciting and exotic cultures around the world.
Here are a few ways to live in luxury all while working remotely.
Live Like a Local
Hotels are one of your biggest expenses when traveling. Even in destinations of extraordinary value, such as SE Asia, it is often far cheaper, and more comfortable, to rent an apartment rather than hotel room. For the average price of a mid-range hotel, you can find yourself in a two-bedroom apartment complete with kitchen, patio, and often a pool and gym. Laundry service is extremely inexpensive to send out, and by being able to cook some meals at home you can live large on less. In addition, by renting an apartment, you will truly assimilate into the local feel of the city, shopping at local markets and visiting neighborhood cafes rather than flitting from one tourist stop to the next.
Eat Like a Local
But then again, by embracing street food you will truly live well. Many countries best food by far is found on street carts and corner markets. Step past your comfort zone to find amazing cuisine you never knew existed. For a mere couple of dollars a day your taste buds will be taken on their very own journey and you will endear yourself to the local community, all while truly connecting with a culture. Believe us, the locals aren’t eating Americanized Pad Thai, they are eating a much more delicious and authentic type of noodle bowl, all slurped up surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a life style lived out in the open. Unsure about street food? Trust us, the trick is to follow the crowds. Look for stalls that have different people handling the food than those handling the money, and any stall with a line-up is sure to have a quick turnover and tasty options.
Travel Like a Local
The world is a grand and varied place, and to get from one locale to another can be a fascinating discovery of different forms of transportation. Sure, by all means take a private jet charter to arrive at your preferred destination, but then delve into the magic found only by riding that night bus, or mounting that camel, or hopping on a bamboo railway in Cambodia. Mingle with local families and other travelers. Compare WiFi strength. Learn the ins and outs of a city. All of these tips will help make your life of travel while working remotely so much more valuable. After all, the whole point in working remotely is to experience the world while keeping your paycheck. Networking is key.
Embrace Life Like a Local
When interviewed about work dissatisfaction, a major complaint of many employees is balance. They feel as though too much of their time is doing meaningless, time sucking work, and too little time spent truly enjoying their life. This exact reason is part of the push for more digital nomads and a location independent type of lifestyle. Companies intelligent enough to understand that yes, the work must get done, but that bored, unenthused employees are good for no one, are the wave of the future. Part of the luxury of life lived out in the world is just simply that. That life is “lived out in the world”. Most cultures around the world better embrace a balance between work and home, with more casual hours, longer lunches, and overall a more balance approach.
Socialize Like a Local
One of the very best benefits of working remotely around the globe is the ability to see how socialization works in other countries. Sadly, Americans rarely socialize outside their immediate friends and family, unlike countries such as Mexico and Italy. These countries social life focuses on their grand plazas and squares with near nightly examples of life truly well lived. Musicians and street performers fill the night, families take a ritual stroll, and social life is lived on a very communal level. Instead of 5pm causing employees to flee to their respective cars to head to their respective homes, other countries embrace a community wide social network hobnobbing with friends and strangers alike as dogs and kids run with abandon.
To truly live in luxury while traveling the world and working remotely, the most important detail lies in these tips. Fully embracing another culture and another way of life is the true luxury. Living life out in the world can bring untold quality to your own life when, and if, you choose to return to your home country.
With living costs often far below the normal American standard it is quite easy to live like a king or queen on far less. So go ahead, ask your boss to grant your dream and get out there into the world!