Travel Tips

7 Simple Travel Tips for Long Flights to Keep Sane

Travel Tips for Long Flights | The Early Airway

Let’s be honest – long flights are not necessarily the most comfortable thing in the world. For many, it can almost be unbearable. Luckily, we have 7 simple travel tips for long flights to help you relax, enjoy your flight, and keep yourself sane.


Travel Tips for Long Flights

Being cramped in the small space until the plane lands and someone is mind enough to open the door is enough to make any claustrophobic person keep both feet on the ground.

For those who are always on the go, being forced to slow down and wait while you are in-flight can be agonizing,to say the least.

So, what can you do?

What can be done to make sure that your mind remains intact and well-functioning by the time you make it to your destination?

Lot’s of things. Don’t believe us?

Check out these 7 travel tips for long flights to help you remain sane.


1. Make a plan.

Knowing that you’ll be required to keep yourself entertained and your mind occupied for a specified amount of time, make a plan for the flight.

Decide what you will do and when – just as if you were planning your day at work or scheduling to tackle a to-do list.

Getting your plan written down and black and white can calm your mind.

The mere fact of knowing you have enough stuff to keep you busy the entire time can keep you at ease.

Whether you follow it or not, at least you know you have a plan.

And, it is also a good way to make sure you don’t forget to pack anything you may need into your carry-on.


2. Watch a movie.

For most people, binge-watching the latest Netflix or Hulu series is a thing of fairy-tales, not real life.

However, this is exactly why it is one of our tips for long flights!

Life is busy and always flowing.

But, when you are stuck on a flight and can’t do anything else, why not take advantage?

Watch some movies you have been wanting to see, either by streaming, downloading in advance, or bringing your laptop and DVD.

Or, find a show or two that you can stream and watch the entire series.

Engulfing yourself in another world on the screen will make your flight time fly by. Pun intended.



3. Be productive and get organized.

One of the most productive tips for long flights is to get organized. This passes the time quickly and can be done in many different ways.

Here are a few examples:

  • Clean up your phone. Erase old messages. Delete the contacts of people you don’t want or need anymore – and especially those numbers of the people you don’t even know. Clean up pictures, files, downloads, etc.
  • Clear out your emails. You know that you have a ton of junk mail and you are always very tempted to hit the “delete all” button but are afraid you will delete something you actually need. So, this is a perfect time for you to go through your email one-by-one and delete those you don’t need, keep the ones you do, and unsubscribe to any junk mail you’ve collected.
  • Get some work done. Whether you are heading out of town for pleasure or business, getting that last bit of work done before you arrive at your destination can have you feeling more relaxed.


4. Bring a game, or two, or three.

Bringing a small game with you can help pass the time and give you time off your screen, too.

But, don’t expect your seatmate to play with you.

If you are traveling alone, be sure to pack games that you can do alone.

In fact, your best option is a deck of cards, a crossword puzzle, word search book, sudoku, or even a book of mind games and puzzles.

These will not only pass the time, but they will keep your brain occupied. And, in turn, sane.


5. Read a book.

This is another one of our favorite tips for long flights. Reading is wonderful for you.

It can take you away into a whole new, imaginary world.

And, on a long flight, you have the ability to start – and finish – a new book.

What a perfect way to unplug and use your mind.

As a side note – if you don’t like reading, you probably just haven’t found the right book yet.

Search before you leave and find something that interests you and will hold your attention.

After all, when there is nothing else to do but read, you may discover that you actually enjoy it.



6. Make a friend.

Some people have been known to make life-long friends on a long flight.

You never know who you will sit near or what their story may be.

Of course, as often as people love to chat, there are also those who will give you that death glare in hopes that they can avoid conversation with you at all cost.

Keep that in mind when you choose who to speak to.

There is a fine line with airline etiquette when it comes to communication.

If someone is wearing headphones or looking the other way, there is a high chance they do not want to be bothered.

And, if you speak to someone and get short answers with no follow-up, let it go. Do not persist on conversing.

But, if you find that the person next to you is as interested in you as you are in them, then go for it. Pass your time!


7. Fly private.

If you struggle with the idea of being locked inside a plane for endless hours with hundreds of strangers, it is time that you know there is a simpler way of traveling. Flying a private jet charter.

Believe it or not, this affordable travel method can keep your mind incredibly sane on a long journey.

You have the ability to comfortably sleep when you want to, take advantage of the in-flight entertainment system, handle business without any confidentiality concerns, and even enjoy a board game with family.

Flying private is a great way to enjoy your long flight as much as your vacation.



Well, there you have it – the travel tips for long flights that will keep you sane on your next trip.

These tips for long flights will greatly help you to enjoy your trip.

Don’t forget to plan ahead to make your flight a great part of your travel experience.

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